Immediate Resilience

“Mindsets that aren’t backed with Skillsets are NOT Resilient.”

~Travis Crutcher

What REALLY generates a positive mindset?


“Mindset” and motivation are nothing unless they are backed by REAL and scientifically proven SKILLS!

Resilience takes Practice

Resilience is based off of actual skills. Not false bravado! The whole “It’s all about mindset bro!” thing is seriously lacking!

The truth is, it takes knowing the REAL skills and LOTS of practice!

Fast and Effective.

Through practicing and becoming proficient with Immediate Resilience you’ll be able to stop negative self talk and take ACTION in no time!

So what’s the point?

Solid personal resilience helps you to achieve more. It allows you to focus on what REALLY has to get done.

Let me ask you a question. How many times have you heard that little voice in your head saying, “You Can’t”? Probably more than you’d like to remember, am I right?

Guess what! You’re not alone! I’ve been there myself….MANY, MANY times!

So, what’s the difference? I didn’t get stuck there! I used Immediate Resilience to get my ass moving, and you can too!

Here’s a TRUE story to show you just how effective Immediate Resilience really is….

During my second deployment to Iraq I had A LOT of wonky days. As you might be able to imagine, serving as an infantry soldier in Baghdad in 2006, wasn’t exactly a walk in the park. The only thing consistent was that there was NO consistency. The environment could and would change quickly and frequently.

One day my team and I were on a standard dismounted patrol. Nothing too out of the ordinary, and we were just wrapping up a pretty standard search of an abandoned house. As we reached the roof, we did a quick head count and were about to finish up for the day. So far so good!

As we started to move back towards the stairs we began to receive small arms fire from an adjacent rooftop. When it comes to plot twists, M. Night Shyamalan has nothing on Baghdad!

At this point my team and I were effectively pinned down. As always, at the worst possible time, cue catastrophic thinking! I got hit with it ALL too. All the “you can’t”, “you’re not good enough”, “this is it” negative self talk you can think of. Needless to say, that’s not helpful in that situation. As you’ve probably already figured out, we made it out in one piece….long story!

Sound familiar at all? Maybe not the Baghdad part but that’s all relative. I’m talking about those moments where life throws you a major curve ball and all the negative, toxic, and catastrophic thinking kicks in. PLUS you’ve still got to perform optimally because A LOT is riding on it!

Those are the moments where IMMEDIATE RESILIENCE skills come into play. In my case it legit was the difference between life and death. In your case I am positive there is A TON at stake for you to take action as well!

So, how the heck did I break that cycle of catastrophic thinking and take positive forward action? By utilizing the EXACT SAME skills you’ll learn in this course!

Immediate Resilience will empower you to:

  1. Shut down counterproductive thoughts as they occur.

  2. Use it to get back to the Task at hand.

  3. Use it to prepare for an anticipated Activating Event.

  4. Super charge your Optimism.

  5. Get more done AND make more money!

Wait a minute! Did he just say make more money? YES I did! Here’s another quick story to illustrate what I mean.

When I FIRST started by business just a few years ago, I was REALLY fired up! I was going to change the world! I just KNEW that as soon as I let the universe know that I was going to start coaching and speaking; that the flood gates would open, clients would come in droves, I’d be speaking all over the country in no time, and I’d have to figure out where to park all the Lambo’s!

“SHOCKINGLY” that was not at all what happened! There were actually ZERO clients. Everyone I knew seemed thoroughly unimpressed that I hd started my own business. PLUS, and this seemed awfully inconsiderate of the universe, but the bills and expenses just kept on coming.

Cue ALL the catastrophic thinking….

Maybe a better way to put it was I was in full blown freak out mode! What had I done? What was I going to do? How am I going to make this work? Insert more than a few explicatives as well! I can tell you that if I had allowed myself to get stuck here I would have been toast. I would have totally folded the business and returned back to a soul crushing job! Luckily that’s NOT what happened!

The pivot….

In a brief but memorable moment during this time I expressed to my wife that I was contemplating getting some overseas contract work in order to make some money. Then once i got back from a few more deployments I’d revisit the idea of this business.

In that moment my tiny little wife (just look at that picture) grew about 20 feet taller, cornered me in our home gym, looked me dead in the eye and said “This is what you do now!”. I don’t think I’d ever seen her more serious in her life! Now keep in mind I’d been shot and blown up A LOT by this time in my life. BUT I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t get a chill up my spine in that moment! Talk about small but MIGHTY!

The shift and DOUBLE DOWN….

After that conversation with my wife I REALLY thought about what she said. Maybe she was totally right on this one. If that was the case, then what the heck was missing?

Then it dawned on me! I had been so focused on trying to do EVERYTHING that I wasn’t doing ANYTHING very well! That’s when I started flexing the skills that you will learn here in a BIG way!

I was able to totally reframe my mindset around what I was doing and how. When things didn’t go as planned, these skills helped me to stay AWAY from catastrophizing and moving forward! I didn’t get stuck in the negative swirl!

In fact once I started REALLY inculcating these skill I was going harder than ever. Not only that but the quality of my content was steadily improving. Why? Because I was able to really FOCUS on what mattered and not get bogged down in all the negative self talk.

So what’s the point? Show me the money….

Once I started really applying these skills my business started to change in BIG ways! We were in the first part of quarter four. The time of year EVERYONE says that no one is looking for a coach. Well by inculcating these skills I was about to prove that SO wrong!

Within a week I had signed my first paying client ever. Two weeks later I signed clients 2 and 3. Things were moving and I could feel the momentum. Did I let off the gas? No freaking way! Using these skills I was actually able to totally double down.

Long story short, before the end of the year, in just three months, I had made more than I would have in six months at the should crushing job I had left. The best part? Well aside from having the most lucrative 3 months of my life up to that point, I was actually the happiest I had EVER been!

Pretty freaking amazing ROI if you ask me! More money and more happiness? Yeah I can totally get behind that!

Immediate Resilience Master Mind (The Movemet)

It’s time! Time to shut down that negativity bias and reclaim your thoughts and trajectory with Immediate Resilience!

Immediate Resilience