Travis Crutcher Travis Crutcher

The Authenticity Conundrum: How to Be Real Without Being Wrong!

The One Strategy That Changes Everything: Create physical anchors for each role. Every time you touch/see/cross that anchor, consciously shift into the appropriate role. This isn't about being fake. It's about being appropriate. You can be authentically tough at work, tender at home, professional in meetings, and playful with friends - all while being true to your core values.

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Travis Crutcher Travis Crutcher

Get Over Being Tired and Just Do It: Unlock Your Full Potential

Life’s a hustle, isn’t it? Between the daily grind, endless to-do lists, and the constant ping of notifications, it’s no wonder we’re all feeling like zombies shuffling through our days. But what if you could get over being tired and just do it? What if you could power through fatigue and achieve your goals with the gusto of a caffeinated superhero? Well, buckle up, because we’re about to dive into a world where tiredness doesn’t stand a chance against your determination.

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Travis Crutcher Travis Crutcher

The "Unfollow Me or Unfriend Me" Trend: Emotional Immaturity Masquerading as Boundary Setting

After yet another election cycle, social media has once again been flooded with a familiar refrain: “If you don’t agree with me, unfollow or unfriend me!” This trend has seemingly become the go-to response for people whose political or personal beliefs clash with others in their networks. On the surface, it might look like a boundary-setting tool, but in reality, it’s often an alarmingly immature reaction to differing viewpoints.

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Travis Crutcher Travis Crutcher

Worrying is Bullshit: Stop Wasting Your Time and Take Action

You think successful people got where they are by worrying? Hell no. They got there by taking risks, making decisions, and acting on them. They faced their fears head-on and didn’t let worry paralyze them. They took the damn wheel and steered their lives in the direction they wanted to go.

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Travis Crutcher Travis Crutcher

Motivation is BULLSH*T!

Hey! Bet that got your attention didn’t it? But wait….”Travis, aren’t you in the motivational space?” I am but that got it’s name before I got here. So don’t blame me!

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Travis Crutcher Travis Crutcher

Sneaky Tuesday and WTF Wednesday!

Now that the total “cluster” that was Tuesday is over and the sun rises on Wednesday, all your shabooya has been zapped! You can barely muster the strength to post you #humpdayvibes selfie on social media!

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Travis Crutcher Travis Crutcher

Talent vs Skill: The curse of the high school QB!

This week I want to focus on the concept of talent versus skill. The QB example is just one of many but one we have all encountered. Think about it, when you read that title you immediately thought of someone you know. That person in your life who’s crowning achievement was from 10-20 years ago. Even though a decade or more has passed, they act as though that old accomplishment should still qualify them as an expert.

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Travis Crutcher Travis Crutcher

Don’t wait yourself out of opportunities.

The one thing that she loves to point out is “they haven’t even played the game”. Let me be clear, this is a kindergartner that can recognize when someone isn’t taking opportunities to move forward. That’s exactly what I’m talking about here.

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Travis Crutcher Travis Crutcher

Guess what! Not everyone likes you, and that’s OK!

Guess what! Not everyone likes you, and that’s OK! Cheery title right? I know, I know, please save your applause until the end of the blog! But this is serious and something that, if I am being honest, drives me absolutely crazy! People’s necessity to be “liked” is so strange and can have serious negative effects on their mental well being and productivity, if they let it. Check it out, there are 7.8 BILLION people on the planet right now. There’s even more than that by the time you read this. By 2050 the projection is 9.9 billion people. You’ll never guess what. Not all of them are going to like you!

This seems to have come up over and over again in my world recently. Everyone from clients, to colleagues, even long time friends. People are stressing out over if someone likes them or not. Let me be clear here, I am not talking about their friends, co-workers, family, boss, literally no one directly connected to their lives. These fine folks are all keyed up over STRANGERS not liking them! Huh? Wait…seriously?

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Travis Crutcher Travis Crutcher

There’s no such thing as NO, it’s just not right now!

You know what, typically I try and target a particular audience with these blogs. I key into an issue that I’ve heard throughout the week with a chunk of my clients and other business interactions, then try and address it based off that demographics needs. Guess what! Not this time! This one is for legit EVERYONE! Since you dear reader happen to fall into that

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Travis Crutcher Travis Crutcher

Burnouts aren’t that cool: Stop spinning your wheels.

Alright, I don’t want this one to come off preachy. Can I get an amen? Ha!

Seriously though we’ve all fallen victim to this and it’s understandable. What I’m talking about is spinning your wheels on anything that in a lot of cases isn’t getting you anywhere.

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Travis Crutcher Travis Crutcher

Know when to fold ’em: The agony of letting go.

I have intentionally waited to talk about this topic. The reality is no one likes having to let anything or anyone go. Particularly if they’ve invested any amount of time or energy into the situation. But why does it SUCK so much? Well, let’s break it down a little.

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Travis Crutcher Travis Crutcher

Close the distance and achieve the clinch….with life!!

The first step to making this successful for the candidate was that acknowledgment. That first, real pragmatic acceptance. Knowing and owning the simple truth that they are going to get hit, it is going to hurt, and there is no other way. That pragmatic acceptance is massive in taking that next step.

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