There’s no such thing as NO, it’s just not right now!
You know what, typically I try and target a particular audience with these blogs. I key into an issue that I’ve heard throughout the week with a chunk of my clients and other business interactions, then try and address it based off that demographics needs. Guess what! Not this time! This one is for legit EVERYONE! Since you dear reader happen to fall into that demographic….LISTEN UP!
What we are talking about here is the dreaded NO. In business you hear it all the time. You may even hear it in your personal life. These no’s can hit hard when you are chasing after a goal that you really want. They can derail you all together and put you in a place where you are stagnant and progress stops. Let me help you out, that’s bad, ok?
For example; let’s say you are tossing your hat in the ring for a promotion. You have amazing evaluations, your team adores you, you have an excellent working relationship with your supervisor, the list goes on. Basically to you and everyone you talk to, you are the obvious choice. The day finally comes for that interview. It’s your supervisor, their supervisor, heck maybe even one more level up is there. You confidently walk in, answer everything with the exact correct responses, and have the panel in the palm of your hand. They thank you for your time and it’s a wrap. KILLED IT! Fast forward 3 days and you get an email, “Thank you for your interest…..”.
WELL CRAP! That’s exactly the first thought, and you know what, that’s ok. It’s ok to be bummed, disappointed, angry, heck even pissed off! That’s a natural response. It’s what you do after that initial annoyance though that is going to begin to shape how you progress from there.
Far too often people get stuck in that anger and it stops them from moving forward. Why? it’s because of how they received the answer. On face value, sure it looks like a no, but is it? I myself don’t subscribe to that at all. When I hear no, my brain has a fantastical way of filtering it and processing it as “not right now”. In the words of John Rambo at the end of the 1980’s classic First Blood, “Nothing is over!’.
You see this particular “no” isn’t permanent. I mean did Regis Philbin confirm it? If not then it doesn’t have to be the final answer. Take that answer and say “challenge accepted”. Then take the appropriate necessary action and get back after that goal! Don’t let this temporary answer dictate what you do next. You are now in an amazing position.You were considered, so in reality you could be next!
Think about it like an amusement park ride. Next is actually the best spot in the line. In some ways it’s even better than being on the ride. You get to know that you are ahead of so many people that still have so far to go. You get a chance to reflect on how far you have already come and appreciate it. You also have the opportunity to not only get excited about your turn coming up, but also get yourself really ready. You can begin visualizing the hills and loops coming up and really get yourself prepared to handle them. Next is a great spot to be in.
So, next time you hear that NO I challenge you to take a moment and reframe it. Take it instead as a not right now and say challenge accepted. Reassure yourself that you are NEXT and next is a great place to be. Take this time to visualize and prepare for your turn on the rollercoaster of success you are riding and make it happen. Also don’t forget to smile at the spot that takes your picture!